In our last school year in the BHAK Perg we had to create a graduation exam project in our respective educational emphasis.
We wanted to choose a topic, which was interesting and challenging for us. Our considerations were towards to the candy industry.
Prof. Mag Weibold gave us the idea to chose the Manner Comp. AG, as it has a location in Perg. Immediately we remembered the slogan “Manner mag man eben” and we decided to build up our project on this slogan and to find out whether and why people like Manner.
As Manner has a very large range, we decided to specialize in particular on the most famous product, namely, the Neapolitaner waffles.
We created 6 theses which we tried to answer with wrong or right during our researches. Finally, we could draw the conclusion that people in Austria really like the Neapolitaner waffles, because of their taste and the fact that they are traditional austrian products.